
Why Perfectionism Limits the Productivity of Women in STEM

Why Perfectionism Limits The Productivity Of Women In Stem

Kathryn Mayer, founder and president of KC Mayer Consulting, Inc., breaks down how perfectionism puts a damper on progress, productivity, and innovation. Plus, join her upcoming free live event in SWE’s Advance Learning Center on Jan. 9!


靈學老師 霏霏

在內地當任過線上紫微能量療癒資詢師-靈氣-催眠治療-天使靈氣 般尼克療癒 阿卡莎紀錄 量子物理能量轉化 星際光 脈輪進化 紫微命盤占星 信念心靈成長 靈魂溝通術 神秘學密法 - 靈學老師—霏霏
